Saturday, June 7, 2008

June 6 Shenandoah at the Hank William's Sr. Festival

June 6/08 GEORGIANA, AL Shenandoah at the Hank Williams Sr. Festival 

We arrived in Georgiana, Al early in the day but hung out at the hotel till around 6 pm before we headed to the venue. There was no need to get there earlier beause we could not get the stage till 8:45 that night..they had a lot of other stuff going on..local acts, contest winners, etc. 

I got off the bus and immediately a fan called me over to sign a picture he had. He was a true fan of Hank Williams Sr. and was a lifetime member of his fan club..or something like that..anyway.. for 6 years in a row, he'd been coming down for this festival on a greyhound bus.. 30 hour ride...Wow..I thought...hmmm..

Jimmy Yeary and I walked around briefly checkin' out the scene before headin' back to the bus to wait on our food..burgers and fries..we were all starving. Food came and we all ate..feeling satisfied.

Mike Mcguire had some friends show up and they congregated in the back bus lounge..
..talkin' and passing the guitar around. I could hear em' in the hall and they were having a good time...that's always a good thing. 

We hit the stage for a brief..blow and go sound check and cranked out the first song, Janie Baker's Love Slave..around 9:30. It was a hot night and the humidity was so high, we had a tough time taming our instruments. Hard to keep fingers from sticking to strings and hands from slipping onto random keyboard keys...We had quite a few technical problems through out the show but we did the best we could.. all of us soaked with sweat to the point where it was in our eyes and our ears. The crowd seemed to like it but we could tell they were drained from the heat and the all day fest.

After signing autographs and takin' a few pics with the fans... we dragged ourselves back on the bus around 11:30 and headed home. A country music adventure had been had by some.

Down the road...

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