Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fried Chicken, Shrimp, Fish and Froglegs

Fried Chicken, Shrimp, Fish and Froglegs 
Category: Music

SEPT 20/08 Shenandoah in ELDORADO, IL at the Independence Co. Fair

I don't do getting up early in the morning well...never have..especially with only a couple of hours sleep. Shenandoah was scheduled to leave Nashville at 8 am, Saturday morning, the day of the show and my neighbor dogs decided to serenade me outside my bedroom window.. most of the night before. I had to get up at 6 am to get to the bus but Mike and Jim had to get up a whole lot earlier, since they were driving up from Muscle Shoals. We were all pretty tired already.. as we pulled out of the parking lot and started the short, three and a half hour drive to Eldorado, Illinois. I ate my egg mcmuffin and hit the bunk and managed to get about an hour of sleep before we arrived in downtown Eldorado. The bus was parked right beside the stage and before anyone got off, we watched Alabama stomp Arkansas on the tv. Great game...

When I walked off the bus, I could see there was alot going on. At that moment.. a parade was happening. After the parade, they had several performers singing and performing on other smaller stages and at one point , they had the high school band playing in front of the main stage...which also had other local musicians joining in with them. There was activity everywhere and the town was alive and buzzing with excitement...the kind you can only find at a small town street festival. 

The main stage PA system was brought in by a local church and all the crew were volunteers. I thought it was great that these guys donated their time and gear for four days to help make this event a success. They were really a nice bunch of guys and I enjoyed talking and hangin' out with Barry and Joey and the rest of the crew.

Before soundcheck, I sat on the stage and swapped songs with singer/songwriter, Joe Michael. Joe has got a new record and he and his manager played me some of the tracks off the project..I thought it sounded like today's radio and wished him luck. 

I suddenly felt very weak and shakey and had to get on the bus and grab some of Jimmy Yeary's fries to keep from passing out..my eyes got blurry and my legs got weak..as I was operating on almost no sleep and two red bulls on an empty stomach. My blood sugar felt like it had really dropped..it's amazing what just a little bit of food can do for you. I felt better and we did our soundcheck and Joe Michael was asked by the promoter to get up and play some of his songs on the spur of the moment..because they had somehow ended up with about an hour and half lull..with no music going on..so he performed and killed some time.

Four o'clock that afternoon, we were taken to a small family restaurant and to a back room that had been set up just for us. They seated us at a long table ..took our drink orders and soon we were chowin' down and digging into some good ol' hometown fixin's. The feast included..fried chicken..shrimp, fish and french fries and various deserts. I noticed on the fish platter..there were , what looked to be like fish with butts and legs.. Jimmy Yeary told me it was fish but I quickly took it off my plate and returned it to the platter..I knew I had come very close to actually putting a frog's butt and legs in my mouth..Wow..that was a close one...That almost happened! I hear they are delicious and lots of folks love em but I just couldn't do it. I told them about the frog or maybe it was a toad..that used to show up on my back patio last summer and sit next to me while I played guitar..and I would feed it dog food..of course no one believed that story at all..even tho' it is true_ Anyway, I couldn't eat..one of his kind...lol 

After dinner..Byron Cumbie, Jim Seales and myself were taken back to the bus in Jan's cool, pontiac convertible..with the top down..I took off my ball cap and let the wind work its magic in the few hairs left on my head..while the rest of the band went to the hotel to clean up. I was too tired to clean up and opted for catching a nap in my bunk.
While on our way back, Jan, (our runner) and a very nice lady..told us that they had purchased the building directly behind the main stage and were in the finishing stages of having it ready for us..complete with showers, kitchen..lounge area..to be used for events like this..they had left fans on to dry the walls but one of them had a short and burned the building down. I felt bad for them and it was bad timing but at least no one got hurt. They were gonna present an award to the local firefighters that night on the main stage..for their efforts in fighting that fire.

Once back at the bus..instead of taking my well intentioned nap.. I wandered around backstage and talked with a lot of the crew..I love hearing road stories and generally just hanging out and hearing about other people's lives..that's part of the allure of this traveling roadshow for me.

The cover band that opened for us played a fairly long set and one of their guitarists was getting up there in years..and was still having the time of his life...not missin' a lick_ Still doin' what he loves..it was obvious.

Shenandoah hit the stage at 9 pm and played to people..as far as the eye could see..the rain had passed and it couldn't have been a nicer evening for a country music show. We finished.. signed autographs and took pics before John Gee steered the "Hillbilly Hotel" in the direction of Nashville.

On the way out of town..we pulled into a Hardees ..the girl behind the counter took our orders and gave us all a plastic square with a number on it... I'm not naming names but I think it was Mike Folsom who shuffled all the numbers..like a deck of cards.. when she started calling out numbers ..no one had a clue..what food went to who and what number went with the order.. anyway..I could tell she was getting a little frustrated but she kept her smile.. Yeah.. we had fun at Hardees..you would have had to have been there_

We arrived back at the Kroger parking lot at 3:30 am and unloaded the gear off the bus. Mike and Jim headed back to Muscle Shoals and the rest of us headed to our homes in the Nashville area. I got to the house around four-thirty am and was very tired..having been up almost 24 hours.

Tired and "whupped"..I do believe, once again.. another country music adventure had been had by all.

Down the Road... Stan Munsey

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shenandoah Almost Carried Away by Mosquitoes in Mississippi

Shenandoah Almost Carried Away by Mosquitoes in Mississippi
Sept 6/08 GREENVILLE, MS Shenandoah at the Delta Balloon Festival

Mickey Riley...Shenandoah's bus driver...pointed the "Hillbilly Hotel" in the direction of Greenville, MS after leaving Castlewood, VA the night before.. We arrived at the venue at 2 pm Saturday afternoon..after having a wheel break on the bus around 4 am and getting lost on the way! We got there and that is all that matters. There was a lot of flooding all around us.. those poor folks had been pounded by the rain and wind for the last few days..as a result of Gustav and it had taken it's toll on the four day festival. We were told that most of the vendors had pulled out.. only a few balloons showed up..all the rides taken down and attendance had been basically no one. The night before..all that had shown up was the band and crew...a real shame_ 

The good thing was..it was a beautiful day Saturday and folks would be able to come out without fear of bad weather...and hear a country music show. The staff and workers there were not very hopeful ..they feared that too many roads were still flooded and folks would stay home again but we were all gonna keep our fingers crossed.

We did a soundcheck around three o'clock and it went fairly quick..I like the quick ones...Afterwards..I ran over to where they were selling hotdogs and grabbed me one before we went to the hotel to get cleaned up. We would not be eating till around 7 pm..so I wanted to get something in me to hold me over.

Our runner, Lisa.. took Mike Folsom, Jimmy Yeary and myself to the hotel but after we were on our way..we realized that none of us had a clue ..as to which one we were staying in_after several calls we finally got the info we needed and headed to the Comfort Inn... (in what was not the best part of town) but the hotel had beds and showers.. and that's all we needed...although I don't think we had any internet service._ Lisa gave us a brief overview of the town's history on the way..told us about the Delta National Forrest located just 20 miles down the road... B.B. KIng's new ten million dollar museum..also located close to their town...Greenville also has the Kermit the Frog museum...interesting stuff. 

Lisa came back and picked up us at 6:30 and when we arrived back at the bus...barbeque, baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw and rolls were unveiled under the VIP tent...all was good but the highlight for me was the potato salad...great stuff!

Jimmy Yeary sat across from me while we were eating and stayed on me to go up with him in one of the hot air balloons..he.said.."I needed to Live a Little"... part of me really wanted to do it but another said..maybe that isn't such a great idea..I had heard going up wasn't bad but the landing could be ..well...interesting...anyway.. the powers that be..the folks flying the balloons ..determined that there was too much wind to take em' up that day..so I didn't have to make that decision whether to go up or not...saved by the bell. :)

A good friend of Mike McGuire, along with her daughter showed up and hung out with us on the bus before the show... we had met her earlier in the year in Batesville, MS
It was good to see them again..we all sat around and watched some college football on the bus tv...that is...till the bus generator went out and we were forced to sit in the dark till show time...Fun...Fun 

Shenandoah show time was at 8 pm and when we got off the bus to walk to the stage...we noticed that a good sized crowd had actually turned out ..we were pleased as were the promoters...We played our hearts out but were almost carried off by the swarms of mosquitoes that had converged on us and the audience. I guess all of the water standing around from the flooded fields and roads only made it worse. I remember the darn things were all over my neck during the show.. we were all constantly slapping and scratching..tryin' to keep those blood-suckers off of us..the crowd was going through the same hell as we were. I'm not sure which was worse..tryin' to get the monitor engineer's attention throughout the show or fightin' those hordes of flying, bitin' beasties_

When our set was over...we signed autographs..sold merch and took pics with the crowd and then ran to the bus to get out of the mosquito infested night air..
The bus was filled with the little vampires..as someone had left the driver's side window open.. We did battle all night.

All in all..despite the itchy bug bites...it was a pretty good night and I'm confident that another country music adventure had been had by most. I pray that the good people in Mississippi don't have any more devastating weather..anytime soon.

Down the Road....Stan Munsey

Shenandoah Drummer Gets on Treadmill in Castlewood,VA

SEPT 5/08 CASTLEWOOD, VA Shenandoah at the Russell County Fair

Shenandoah left Nashville, at 2 am from the Kroger parking lot with no additional guests this time. It was just the band ...along with Bart Barlettano and Byron Cumbie, (our FOH guy and Merch man). When we leave at such a late or early hour..however you wanna put it..we always end up staying up way past our bedtime..I think it was around 5:30 am when most of us hit the bunks. 

We got to the Russell County Fairgrounds around 10 am Friday morning and most stayed in their bunks till soundcheck. The countryside was beautiful in Castlewood...lots of lush green hills and a great view from the stage. It was a nice day with low humidity and blue skies. It was nice to not have to battle rain for a change.

They brought us pepsi's and cokes and pizza to the stage right before soundcheck..and we went through that pizza like we hadn't eaten in a week. Something about soundcheck makes us hungry. Soundcheck went very well for a change...with no technical problems.

After soundcheck, Jimmy Yeary, Mike Folsom and Mike McGuire went to workout at a gym..while Bart and I just went to the motel room...Bart was exhausted from working ridiculous hours all week on projects in Franklin and Nashville... so he napped..while I worked out with the TV remote. We were told that Mike McGuire actually got on the treadmill...very historic moment!! In all my years out with Shenandoah, I've never seen Mike McGuire exercise. I wish we had some video footage ..I want to see documented proof he actually worked out. :) Of course..I really shouldn't say anything..as it's been quite a while since I've done anything close to what could be called exercise.

Amy, our runner, picked us up at 7 pm and when we arrived back at the fairgrounds...they had supper ready for us...Earlier in the day..each of us had marked on a menu what we wanted.. I ordered pork tenderloin, potatos, green beans and a dessert...I enjoyed the meal but always hate to eat so soon before a show. It can make you slugglish onstage or make ya wish for a porta-potty.. lol

Shenandoah took the stage at 8 pm and did the usual 75 minute set and the audience seemed to be into it...it was a good turn out and great temperatures for an evening show. After the performance, we signed autographs and took pics for about an hour before heading to the bus. 

When the runner brought our bus driver back to the bus..we headed out immediately..as we had around a 14 hour ride to get to Greenville, MS...to play the Delta Ballon festival. 

I would say another country music adventure had been had by all in Castlewood, VA

Down the Road...Stan Munsey

Monday, September 1, 2008

What the Beatles Meant to Me by Stan Munsey

When I was six..I lived in New Orleans and I was crazy, nuts about the band that had invaded America...the Beatles! I remembering asking my parents.. if they would buy me Beatle boots and a Beatle wig..lol I got the boots but no wig. I remember sitting in the Tulane student apartment building, behind the old sugar bowl stadium..I believe it was on a Sunday night..watching the Ed Sullivan show with my Mom and Dad..and seeing the Beatles perform.... that moment changed my life forever. I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up...play music in a band ..and be just like the Beatles. The Beatles came to New Orleans and although I did not officially attend the concert.. we drove by.. out side , where they were playing.. in the park..as I remember...you could hear the screams and every now and then..some music but mostly screaming... it was magic to me.. I do believe..to this day.. that they changed the culture in so many ways ..in ways we couldn't imagine at the time and redefined our pop melodic sense.. God did make my dreams come true and allowed me to share the talent he gave me.. with so many people over the years and I thank God for that... The Beatles were the band..that opened the door for me_ Stan Munsey_